Designing Next-Generation Piston Geometry for LPG Powered Spark Ignition Engines: An Integrated CFD and Experimental Approach



Advances in Design, Materials, Manufacturing and Surface Engineering for Mobility (ADMMS’25)
Authors Abstract
The efficiency of combustion has a major impact on the performance and emission characteristics of a spark-ignited LPG (Liquified Petroleum Gas) engine. The shape of the combustion chamber determines the homogeneous charge intake velocity, which is crucial for the turbulent motion that encourages flame propagation and quickens combustion. It need the right amount of compression ratio, charge squish velocity and turbulent kinetic energy to sustain combustion and propel laminar flames. There are a number of names for the motion of the charge within the cylinder: swirl, squish, tumble and turbulence. All of these terms affect how air and fuel are mixed and burned. Piston shape affects in-cylinder motion, which in turn reduces fuel consumption and improves combustion characteristics. The shape of the piston quench zone has a substantial impact on the charge velocity inside the combustion chamber. The impact on charge motion was analyzed using computer modeling using STAR-CD on pentroof central bowl quenched pistons with different quench areas (10, 20, 30, and 40%). The results were validated by conducting experiments on pistons that had a compression ratio of 10:1 and a greater quench area than is currently utilized in the industry. Results showed that performance, combustion characteristics, and emissions could all be enhanced in a lean-burn SI engine running on LPG with a 30% increase in piston quench area.
Meta TagsDetails
Sagaya Raj, G., R L, K., Pasupuleti, T., and Natarajan, M., "Designing Next-Generation Piston Geometry for LPG Powered Spark Ignition Engines: An Integrated CFD and Experimental Approach," SAE Technical Paper 2025-28-0123, 2025,
Additional Details
Feb 07
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Technical Paper