Design and Manufacture of a Bench for Testing Fuel under High Injection Pressure



SAE Brasil 2024 Congress
Authors Abstract
A bench was developed with the aim of making it possible to test direct injection fuel system of low-displacement engines (up to 2,000cc) outside of a conventional test bench. It has adjustable supports that make it possible to install various engines of different manufacturers. In addition, the bench has features an electric motor, an external oil pumping system and a programmable ECU. These accessory systems were necessary because the engine for which the bench was initially designed has undergone various adaptations that required external systems such as those mentioned above. The project was designed to provide great ease, agility and low manufacturing costs, so the entire bench chassis was manufactured using just one standardized steel profile that is easily found on the market. Still about manufacturing, the concept of the prototype was also developed around the need for it to be compact and easy to transport so that the tests could be carried out in different environments in an agile manner. To this end, the final dimensions of this bench do not exceed the space available in a small pick-up type cargo vehicle. The result of this project was a bench that has been tested and validated with approximately 600 hours of use without any apparent problems or security risks, with a good degree of versatility to other platforms and quick and simple manufacturing. The results extracted from the tests were conclusive and contributed in a preliminary way to understanding the physical phenomena occurring in the fuel injector body and allowed for a more in-depth study of high-pressure fuel injection systems and the dynamics of injector operation.
Meta TagsDetails
Zabeu, C., Pires, G., Jesus, R., and Oliveira Polízio, Y., "Design and Manufacture of a Bench for Testing Fuel under High Injection Pressure," SAE Technical Paper 2024-36-0186, 2024,
Additional Details
Dec 20, 2024
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Content Type
Technical Paper