Design and Development of Tractor Front Three Point Linkage System



Advances in Design, Materials, Manufacturing and Surface Engineering for Mobility (ADMMS’25)
Authors Abstract
Today’s agriculture demands increased productivity due to the higher cropping intensities. Agricultural field readiness for cultivation requires various operation in field resulting in delay in cultivation which lower down productivity. Therefore, field operation needs to be more efficient in terms of both input cost and time consumption. One way to achieve this is by performing multiple operations in a single tractor pass, utilizing the increased power available in modern Tractors. In some agricultural operations, implements need to be mounted on the front of the tractor. Therefore, designing a front three-point hitching system for the tractor is essential to meet various farming needs, allowing customers to perform multiple operations simultaneously. The use of a front three-point linkage better utilizes the potential of four-wheel drive, higher horsepower tractors.
This paper focuses on the comprehensive design process for developing and validating a front hitch system for both future and existing tractor designs. It describes the study of the Real-World Usage Pattern (RWUP) for the front hitch and the creation of a load block program for component validation. Multiple design iterations were conducted to meet CAE acceptance criteria and ensure design robustness. A new lab test was established and performed to assess the hitch’s lifting performance, durability, endurance, and track performance. The recommended design successfully passed physical validation and was implemented in the tractor. The front three-point linkage design achieved 20.25%-time savings and 15.15% fuel savings compared to traditional designs, with a cultivator at the front and a harrow at the rear during field operations, as per ISO-8759(4) and ISO 730 standards.
Meta TagsDetails
Kumar, Y., V, A., Perumal, S., Gaba, R. et al., "Design and Development of Tractor Front Three Point Linkage System," SAE Technical Paper 2025-28-0006, 2025,
Additional Details
Feb 07
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Content Type
Technical Paper