Cutting-Edge Coating Materials for Dual Fuel Diesel Engines Using Acetylene Aspiration



Advances in Design, Materials, Manufacturing and Surface Engineering for Mobility (ADMMS’25)
Authors Abstract
A diesel engine with a Yttria Stabilised Zirconium (YSZ) thermal barrier layer (TBL) on the piston crown was used in an experiment. The aim of the investigation was to evaluate the influence of the thermal barrier layer on the efficiency and pollution levels of a diesel engine. The selection of YSZ as the coating material was based on its desirable physical properties including a high coefficient of expansion when exposed to heat, low degree of thermal conductivity, and a high Poisson's number. These characteristics make it a suitable material for use in coatings applied to engine components. In addition to their current research, the scientists are also focusing on identifying sustainable substitutes for conventional petroleum fuels. This is because of the growing concern over environmental impacts and the limited availability of fossil fuel resources. The researchers are seeking new options that are both environmentally friendly and capable of meeting the world's energy demands. By exploring alternative energy sources, the team aims to develop more sustainable and efficient solutions for the future. Studies report that an acetylene gas derived from the process of hydrolysis of calcium carbide which in turn being produced from lime stone and coke has similar property to that of hydrogen. As hydrogen implementation in use of internal combustion engine fuel seems to be a mirage. Acetylene could compete the hydrogen in all aspects, in usage of automotive fuel. In the present work, acetylene properties were analysed for being used as a fuel in automotive engine with all safety aspects. A test experiment has been conducted on a modified single cylinder, zirconium coated piston of diesel engine run on two different fuel. The primary energy source was diesel while acetylene gas was introduced as a secondary energy source at varying fixed flow rates. Due to acetylene aspiration, it is revealed from this test analysis that it increases thermal efficiency by 2 – 4 % for diesel fuel and increases NOx emissions by 3.51 – 4.23% as compared to acetylene induction. As compared to baseline diesel operation, the smoke intensity is dropped by 2.8% at 0.25 kg/hr, 8.8% at 0.35 kg/hr, and 18% at 0.45 kg/hr of gas flow rate at maximum load.
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Sagaya Raj, G., Natarajan, M., and Pasupuleti, T., "Cutting-Edge Coating Materials for Dual Fuel Diesel Engines Using Acetylene Aspiration," SAE Technical Paper 2025-28-0134, 2025,
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Feb 07
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Technical Paper