A generalized approach is taken looking at automobile emissions and energy problems from the vantagepoint of a state government regulatory agency. The auto industry's vast capability for technology, mass production, quality control, and marketing ability culminates at the dealership. Thereafter, the vehicle is often viewed by the user much differently. Initially, this paper attempts to overlay many of the different disciplines that formulate the final product. By examining a wide range of environmental ills, in part created by the automobile, and by analyzing how the automotive industry has adapted to past crises, the impending emission and energy questions are explored by using various economic, regulatory, and engine design trend indicators. Prospectives for analyzing these problems are demonstrated.
Subsequently, by narrowing the paper's objectives, some previous technical studies are used to show potential benefits in emissions and fuel savings by the inspection/maintenance control strategy. Firsthand emission surveillance and service data are supplied, illustrating the effect of New Jersey's inspection program with emphasis on minimizing the impact to the motoring public. Maximum emission reduction yields of 10-12% are expected for carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions. Also, an additional 0.33% fuel saving could be realized. In addition, due to the causal effects of this strategy, other conservation-oriented incentives become apparent.
Finally, in a further narrowing of scope, concepts for estimating the individual motorist's rationale behind his value judgments through energy balancing are attempted. Only by viewing the individual motorist and the mechanism in which he perceives his environment and automobile can a more systematic analysis of future automotive impacts be undertaken.