The Crash Test of Medium Duty Truck



17th FISITA Congress (1978), Budapest, Hungary
Authors Abstract
Problems concerning compatibility between commercial vehicles and cars, and aggressiveness of commercial vehicles were taken up extensively throughout the ESV development.
Setting our targets on the solution of this problem, improvement of occupant protection and reduction of the damage to goods, we carried out the MSCT (Mitsubishi Safety Concept Truck) research based on our original policy. We fitted up 5 km/h E.A. (energy absorbing) bumper and the E.A. frame in front, and installed the 5 km/h E.A. rear underride guard. For reduction of the damage to goods at collision, we have developed our original E.A. system. Crash tests were conducted with the GVW 7 ton truck and we obtained the following results.
1. Occupant Protection at 30 km/h frontal barrier collision
As compared to the standard medium duty truck, the MSCT achieved 75% reduction of cab deformation and 40% reduction of frame deceleration so that it has sufficient survival space.
2. Aggressiveness Reduction
35% reduction of maximum barrier load was accomplished at 30 km/h frontal barrier collision. We could reduce 80% of passenger car underride length into truck rear end at 50 km/h crash, using the MSCT safety guard.
3. Goods Damage Reduction
We could lower deceleration of goods to 65%.
The MSCT is reusable by E.A. device replacement up to the 25 km/h collision.
Meta TagsDetails
Yamanaka, A., and Nagaike, N., "The Crash Test of Medium Duty Truck," SAE Technical Paper 785111, 1978, .
Additional Details
Jan 1, 1978
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Content Type
Technical Paper