Correlation Study Between On-road Drive-by Noise and Reverberation Room Body Transparency Tests
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- Content
- A quiet passenger compartment is highly desired by today's customers. Vehicle design teams spend significant time and resources to minimize the vehicle's interior noise due to different exterior noise sources. Drive-by vehicles on the highways generate one of these noise sources. The objective of this study is to establish a correlation between customer's on-road experience due to drive-by noise and Noise Reduction Level (body transparency) tests conducted in a reverberation room. The average Noise Reduction Level (NRL) obtained in the reverberation room tests correlates (R2=0.89) with the peak loudness of on road tests. A sound quality listening study was also conducted to determine the most preferred NRL spectral distribution and its frequency range sensitivity.
- Pages
- 5
- Citation
- Gur, Y., Cheng, S., and Mouch, T., "Correlation Study Between On-road Drive-by Noise and Reverberation Room Body Transparency Tests," SAE Technical Paper 2009-01-2227, 2009,