Construction of Multi-Scale Aging Indicators Based on the Aging Mechanism of Fuel Cells



SAE 2024 Vehicle Powertrain Diversification Technology Forum
Authors Abstract
State of health (SOH) estimation is essential to ensure safety and reliability in the operation of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFCs). The aging of fuel cells results from the deterioration of multiple internal components, and the aging degree of some key components even directly determines the end of cell life. Due to the complexity of the internal reactions in fuel cell, many internal parameters cannot be measured or recorded during aging tests. In addition, external characteristics do not reflect the internal changes in the cell. Therefore, establishing a multi-scale metric based on fuel cell components is very important for fuel cell life research. During the aging process of a fuel cell, the contributions of different components to the overall aging vary significantly. Additionally, the allocation of indicator parameters presents a challenge in multi-scale modeling. To address these issues, this paper proposes a method to construct multi-scale indicators for fuel cells. Firstly, based on the operational mechanisms of fuel cells, a 3-D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model of the fuel cell is developed using COMSOL Multiphysics 6.2 to simulate the working environment of the fuel cell. In addition, based on existing research, the aging mechanisms of various fuel cell components are analyzed, and aging models are established. The aging of selected components is then simulated in MATLAB R2023a based on the component aging mechanism model. Moreover, a co-simulation platform based on COMSOL and MATLAB is established to facilitate parameter interaction and iteration between the two models, thereby obtaining the aging data of the cell. Finally, the data is analyzed to select parameters and allocate coefficients for the multi-scale aging indicators. The multi-scale aging indicator can provide an effective approach to characterizing the aging state of fuel cells.
Meta TagsDetails
Lin, Y., Min, H., Sheng, X., Zhang, Z. et al., "Construction of Multi-Scale Aging Indicators Based on the Aging Mechanism of Fuel Cells," SAE Technical Paper 2025-01-7089, 2025,
Additional Details
Jan 31
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Technical Paper