Driver steering feature clustering aims to understand driver behavior and the decision-making process through the analysis of driver steering data. It seeks to comprehend various steering characteristics exhibited by drivers, providing valuable insights into road safety, driver assistance systems, and traffic management. The primary objective of this study is to thoroughly explore the practical applications of various clustering algorithms in processing driver steering data and to compare their performance and applicability. In this paper, principal component analysis was employed to reduce the dimension of the selected steering feature parameters. Subsequently, K-means, fuzzy C-means, the density-based spatial clustering algorithm, and other algorithms were used for clustering analysis, and finally, the Calinski-Harabasz index was employed to evaluate the clustering results. Furthermore, the driver steering features were categorized into lateral and longitudinal categories. Different clustering algorithms were selected for clustering analysis to assess potential differences between lateral and longitudinal steering features and to determine the applicability of various algorithms for this purpose. In the comparative analysis, we comprehensively evaluate the performance of various algorithms in terms of clustering quality, interpretability, computational efficiency, and applicability. Selecting algorithms suitable for specific tasks and datasets is crucial to enhancing computational efficiency and the quality of clustering results. Through the comparative analysis of the driver steering feature clustering algorithm, a deeper understanding of the steering behavior mode can be obtained, providing support for optimizing the driver assistance system, advancing automatic driving technology, enhancing the driving experience, optimizing traffic management, and ultimately realizing a more intelligent and safer road traffic system.