The global auto industry is investing hundreds of billions of dollars to transform from ICE vehicle production to Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs). The government mandates are based on the prediction of catastrophic global temperatures unless CO2 emissions from vehicles are reduced to zero. This prediction is based on theoretical climate computer models, which have been shown to use invalid data and thus model results are invalid [1].
Compelling evidence from valid temperature data over the millennia confirms that global warming comes from natural variations in sun irradiance. Mankind has experienced warming, as well as cooling, over the centuries and survived.
Automotive engineers use valid data to design and build autos to improve the product and meet the needs of a demanding customer base. Valid climate data should inform the automotive engineers of the truth about global warming and claimed climate effects.
Ice was observed to increase in the Polar Regions, starting around 1960 and global temperatures fell, so that by the late 1970s scientists discussed a possible ice age. Scientists were concerned about a “human volcano of aerosols” from industry. This included global cooling by automotive exhaust soot, from leaded gasoline. This cooling issue vanished when GM invented the catalytic converter using unleaded gas, which produced no soot.
When warming resumed in the 1980s, greenhouse gases were revived as the cause of the warming. The advances of computer modeling opened up new ways to investigate global warming, employing many analysts and their theoretical models predicted catastrophic warming.
In addition the modelers made twelve major catastrophic weather claims [2], including hurricanes, sea level, polar ice, etc. This paper provides the analysis and valid data to show these twelve modeler claims are not valid.
Today’s satellite temperature data with global coverage should be used as the standard to understand global climate trends. Accurate data is superior to flawed theoretical climate computer models manipulated to provide a catastrophic view of climate. It appears modelers were incentivized to help support the demise of the fossil fuel industry, which has provided affordable products for mankind, millions of jobs and multi trillion dollars of economic wealth worldwide.
The auto industry should be allowed to design and build vehicles to meet the needs of the customer rather than having to meet government mandates based on false temperature data and invalid models.