Characterization of Vehicle Deceleration Time Histories in the Analysis of Impact Dynamics
- Event
- Content
- It is frequently desirable to construct a characterization of vehicle deceleration which is significantly simplified from its actual time history. A number of interesting techniques have been developed to perform this characterization based upon polynomial and Fourier-type series approximations and utilizing goodness of fit criteria related to both least squared error and the satisfaction of boundary conditions. Extensive mathematical occupant simulations indicate that characterizations involving as few as four parameters are adequate to describe the primary effects of complex vehicle deceleration time histories as they influence occupant dynamics with conventional restraint systems.
- Pages
- 8
- Citation
- Huang, M., Lawson, G., Powell, B., and Walker, J., "Characterization of Vehicle Deceleration Time Histories in the Analysis of Impact Dynamics," SAE Technical Paper 770013, 1977,