Lower fuel consumption, low greenhouse gas emissions and high specific performance are commonly known demands for the automotive industry to meet, minding always the sustainability. As a result, the engine downsizing is being largely applied by engine developers, providing further improvement for the components precision, especially in the Flex Fuel applications.
The dimensional specification of the engine components plays a very important role in the compression ratio (CR) which impacts directly in the engine performance. Therefore, the objective is to diminish the CR tolerance so we could achieve a much controlled engine. Knowing which parts to improve is the key to success.
This paper presents a study of the variation of the CR in accordance with the changes of dimensional characteristics of the studied components. It is possible to estimate which of the components has a greater influence on the variation and then focus on an improvement. Several features were analyzed such as single-valve versus multi-valve cylinder heads and what should be done to ensure a greater repeatability and assertiveness of the CR during the engine serial production.