ThermPlot Pro is a Windows based, post-processing tool that interfaces with standard output files from many of the industry’s leading finite difference thermal modeling tools, including: SINDA/FLUINT, SINDA/G, ESATAN, TMG, TAK2000, and TSS. ThermPlot Pro takes the standard output from these tools and imports the data into a user created Microsoft Excel® workbook. From the ThermPlot interface, a user may define Tables or Plots of relevant data, group nodes together for simplification, create specialized parameters, or evaluate heat flow throughout a model using a specialized, interactive HeatMap workbook.
Tabular data may include minimums, maximums, averages, or any selected timestep. It also includes the option to add user-defined limits to the tables and highlight data that is out of limit conditions. Plotted data allows the user full control over series properties (color, linetype, marker, etc) as well as control over the axes properties (minimum, maximum, major division, etc.) The grouping capability of ThermPlot Pro allows the user to simplify analysis results for large and complicated models with up to three levels of sub-group definitions (Instrument:Region:Component). Parameters allow a user to create virtual nodes (e.g. min of group, max of group, delta between two nodes, etc) and use them as if they were any normal node in Tables and Plots.
However, the most powerful capability of ThermPlot Pro is the HeatMap, which takes user output and creates an interactive workbook including all relevant thermal information (Temperatures, HeatLoads, and Conductors) and allows the user to tabulate the heat flowing into and out of a node. This functionality can also be extended to groups, so that heat flow into and out of user defined groups may be investigated. With three levels of grouping available a user may investigate heat flows from a coarse to a detailed point of view.
Additional utilities are also included in ThermPlot Pro for: Backload/Equivalent Sink Generation and TSS Radk/HeatRates post processing.