Calculations of Ice Shapes on Oscillating Airfoils
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- Content
- The desire to operate rotorcraft in icing conditions has renewed the interest in developing high-fidelity analysis methods to predict ice accumulation and the ensuing rotor performance degradation. A subset of providing solutions for rotorcraft icing problems is predicting two-dimensional ice accumulation on rotor airfoils. While much has been done to predict ice for fixed-wing airfoil sections, the rotorcraft problem has two additional challenges: first, rotor airfoils tend to experience flows in higher Mach number regimes, often creating glaze ice which is harder to predict; second, rotor airfoils oscillate in pitch to produce balance across the rotor disk. A methodology and validation test cases are presented to solve the rotor airfoil problem as an important step to solving the larger rotorcraft icing problem. The process couples Navier-Stokes CFD analysis with the ice accretion analysis code, LEWICE3D. The process is applied to several airfoil cases for which there are experimental data.
- Pages
- 11
- Citation
- Narducci, R., and Reinert, T., "Calculations of Ice Shapes on Oscillating Airfoils," SAE Technical Paper 2011-38-0015, 2011,