Bridging the Design Gap: Next-Level Automation in Automotive Design with the IncQuery AUTOSAR-UML Bridge



WCX SAE World Congress Experience
Authors Abstract
The IncQuery AUTOSAR-UML Bridge is an innovative solution for Assisted Documentation Creation and Automated Handover, aiming at driving a paradigm shift in integrated digital engineering in the automotive domain. The AUTOSAR-UML Bridge is addressing a well-known gap in the engineering ecosystem of automotive design, where the co-design of AUTOSAR models and other model-based artifacts is often hampered by tedious workflows involving manual syncing of model contents between AUTOSAR and UML/SysML tools. The Bridge is aiming at streamlining the workflow by generating high-quality UML models from AUTOSAR projects, with built-in ISO26262 and ASPICE compliance. Automotive software architects and systems engineers spend a lot of time with creating ISO26262-compliant documentation, by creating UML models from AUTOSAR architecture designs, or establishing traceability between requirements captured in SysML and design artefacts that exist in both modeling languages. However, as a project progresses and the work of engineers diverges, keeping AUTOSAR and UML/SysML in synch can be a tedious, slow, and error-prone task – especially when you are already grappling with tight timelines and limited resources. The AUTOSAR-UML Bridge mitigates these workflow issues, by providing assistance for Automotive Software Architects to expedite documentation creation by generating UML models from AUTOSAR for architecture design. Moreover, it assists Automotive Software Engineers with transitioning to detailed design by adding UML-based internal behavior and interface descriptions to AUTOSAR projects. The IncQuery AUTOSAR-UML Bridge's seamless integration with Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect helps to streamline the overall design process. Furthermore, it can also work with LieberLieber’s LemonTree, to enable agile iterations where collaborating architects and engineers can easily merge changes from AUTOSAR into the corresponding UML model, without having to redo or delete anything.
Meta TagsDetails
Kulcsár, G., Ráth, I., Grill, B., and Horváth, Á., "Bridging the Design Gap: Next-Level Automation in Automotive Design with the IncQuery AUTOSAR-UML Bridge," SAE Technical Paper 2024-01-2050, 2024,
Additional Details
Apr 9, 2024
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Content Type
Technical Paper