Bluetooth Profile Testing Using Packet Tracing in Automotive Domain



Symposium on International Automotive Technology
Authors Abstract
With the advancement of automotive industries, the need for wireless connectivity between vehicle and smartphone is increasing. To meet the demand for wireless connectivity, Bluetooth plays a vital role. Testing Bluetooth systems is challenging and complex when development cycles of the system involve multiple partners. The system under test must fulfil consumers expectation of Bluetooth functionality paired with their personal devices. Despite many advances and existence of a few reliable systems, hardware limitation, and lack of standardization in Bluetooth test system are some of the prolonged issues. Throughout the course, various capabilities and existing traditional Bluetooth testing system practice were researched, which majorly at a system level (Black box). The gap of such testing is the escape of defect which involves the interoperability of multiple profiles like AVRCP, HFP, and A2DP. This paper focuses on a reliable testing approach which is based on packet level testing common to BLE and Bluetooth Classic. Research shows there is no common approach for BLE and Bluetooth Classic, some research provides BLE based solution for packet level tracing but lacks to bring it in Bluetooth Classic. The work here will help us in packet sniffing, processing, logging for both BT Classic and BLE profiles. Hence the need to test Bluetooth system to detect and deliver defect-free products would save development cost in terms of time involved in iterative development and testing cycle, and gain customer’s trust. This paper intends to introduce a humble solution to the testing community a step before the functional testing of Bluetooth system through validation of transmitted Bluetooth profile packet-id between the devices.
Meta TagsDetails
Selokar, A., Iqbal, M., Anilkumar, S., and Tavhare, S., "Bluetooth Profile Testing Using Packet Tracing in Automotive Domain," SAE Technical Paper 2024-26-0349, 2024,
Additional Details
Jan 16, 2024
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Content Type
Technical Paper