The Best Function for the Seat of a Passenger Car
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- Content
- In order to optimize the function of an automobile seat, its geometrical and physical properties must be designed so that the loads resulting from the body weight and ambient factors (such as vibration, forces arising from vehicle dynamics, climatic conditions) act on the body of the occupant in such a way that the stress to which it is subjected is kept to a minimum.The physically measurable loads subject the driver to stress, i.e. they act mainly by changing biological processes in the organism, and drivers of widely different body statures must be considered. So the “correct” seat will necessarily be a compromise.From a careful integration of all requirements using the latest techniques, it emerged that an all-foam seat cushion incorporating varying degrees of firmness could be used to advantage. In this way Audi succeeded relatively quickly in designing a seat arrangement with remarkably positive characteristics.
- Pages
- 20
- Citation
- Weichenrieder, A., and Haldenwanger, H., "The Best Function for the Seat of a Passenger Car," SAE Technical Paper 850484, 1985,