Future stringent emission limits both in the European Community and USA require continuously increased conversion efficiency of exhaust after-treatment systems.
Besides the obvious targets of fastest light-off performance, overall conversion efficiency and durability, catalytic converters for maximum output engines require highly optimized flow properties as well, in order to create minimum exhaust backpressure for low fuel consumption.
This work deals with the design, development and serial introduction of a close coupled main catalyst system using the innovative technology of Perforated Foils (PE).
By means of PE-technology, channel-to-channel gas mixing within the metal substrate could be achieved leading to dramatically reduced backpressure values compared with the conventional design.
Due to the highly improved flow properties of the advanced metal substrate, a compact converter could be designed taking into account the demanding packaging constraints in a modern V8 engine compartment.
The present paper consists of numerical simulations, flow bench and engine test bench measurements carried out to assess emission performance, backpressure advantage and engine power output increase of a close-coupled single brick system compliant with LEV-II and EU4 emission limits.