Automotive HVAC Performance Study Using Parametric DoE Approach for Geometric Variation with Mesh-Morphing Method in Ansys Fluent



International Automotive CAE Conference – Road to Virtual World
Authors Abstract
The parametric variation study will be very useful for understanding the design performance of any product based on the input parameters. This type of case study will be done using Design of experiments and generate several design points. Conventionally DoE solver will be working with geometry variation with CAD interface, meshing with appropriate tool then solver, finally with post processing. If a solver itself has workflow of change the geometry variation with mesh deflection method and automated post processing, then no need of geometry variation and meshing will lead to lot of time reduction in doing parametric study. Here HVAC parametric study used to show the performance of solver and accuracy of results generated. This approach can be used to optimize the design using parametric variation. This paper will show how to move Horizontal and vertical vanes using mesh morphing and what is the reduction in timeline in new product development. Here, Ansys Fluent solver is used to perform parametric study. Initial mesh supplied by Fluent mesh and geometric variation implemented in Fluent solver itself using manual and automated way while solving Design points. Ansys Fluent solver takes minimal time for preparing each design point before solving and reports are also generated automatically. This approach will help designers make quick decisions on the design and finalize the design in less time.
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Palanisamy, V., "Automotive HVAC Performance Study Using Parametric DoE Approach for Geometric Variation with Mesh-Morphing Method in Ansys Fluent," SAE Technical Paper 2024-28-0008, 2024, .
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Technical Paper