From simple collisions to major tragedies, car accidents happen every day. Automobile industry has been investing a lot in security systems (e.g., airbags, ABS brakes, vehicle proximity warning systems). However, drivers are still the ones who have to act in order to avoid collisions, by using the brakes or maneuvering the car.
The purpose of this project is to develop an anti-collision logic that can be used on automobile vehicles to avoid collisions with both static and moving objects by interfering on the vehicle behavior. The control system is based on a fuzzy modeled controller using the MATLAB and Simulink tools from Math Works.
The prototype chosen to test the logic was the Robotino, a mobile robot system made by Festo Didactic, and used for educational, training and research purposes. Robotino is able to integrate to Simulink tool natively, and provides out-of-the-box sensors and actuators, so the developers are able to focus the efforts on the software itself.
Integrated simulations were done using FESTO Robotino Simulator to validate whether the proposed system meets the objectives or not.