During the month of May, 1994, there were a total of 15 accidents at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway (IMS). Of this total, six accidents occurred during practice and/or Qualifications Attempts and nine occurred during the 78th running of the Indianapolis 500-Mile Race.
All six practice accidents were analyzed through the use of videography, skidmark measurements, photographs, angle of wall impact (if a wall impact occurred), vehicle damage and yaw angle measurements. The accidents were categorized according to type and severity, mechanical failure or driver error, speed at the initiation of the accident sequence, driver injury (if injuries occurred), weather, track and traffic conditions. Race accidents were also analyzed.
The study represents the continuation of a long-term program to catalog, analyze and reconstruct accidents at IMS. Here, we present the second year of this serious effort at accident analysis, and introduce an increased level of rigor in categorization, data collection and data analysis.