THIS paper discusses the position of the airship as a means of transportation, briefly reviewing the history of the supposed but really non-existing competition between the airship and the airplane.
The results of the Hindenburg's ten North Atlantic demonstration trips of 1936 are reported on, and the meteorological observations made are discussed. Figures of cost of operation and revenues of the Hindenburg are revealed, showing the relatively low cost of operation of the modern passenger airship.
The relative places of the express steamer, the airship and the airplane in the future North Atlantic transport picture are discussed, and the necessity for cooperation between Germany and the United States in the future development of the airship is emphasized.
Since Dr. Eckener presented this paper at the 1937 Annual Meeting of the Society, an increased 1937 schedule of Transatlantic service for the Hindenburg has been announced. Eighteen round trips across the North Atlantic, eight more than last year, are planned by the American Zeppelin Transport Corp., acting as U.S. agent for Deutsche Zeppelin Reederei, the operating company.
The Naval Air Station at Lakehurst, N. J., will remain the American terminal.