The Aircraft Regenerative Turbine Engine: Where Now?
- Event
- Content
- The past 15 years of concept development leading to today s aircraft regenerative turbine engine are broadly reviewed. With this as background, current regenerative turboprop engine technology is discussed. Comparisons are made of the range and endurance capabilities of aircraft equipped with simple and regenerative cycle engines; projections of further development potential are made. The application of regeneration in turbofans, particularly in the moderate to high bypass engines, is considered. Performance characteristics are shown for various flight conditions and bypass ratios to illustrate the potential gains from regeneration. The question is one of determining whether the associated weight and drag penalties offset the reduction in fuel consumption. The problem offers a major challenge to the ingenuity of the engine designer.
- Pages
- 12
- Citation
- Chapman, G., "The Aircraft Regenerative Turbine Engine: Where Now?," SAE Technical Paper 640805, 1964,