Agroecological Concept of Traction Systems of Mobile Agricultural Machinery



1997 SAE International Off-Highway and Powerplant Congress and Exposition
Authors Abstract
Traction systems for agricultural vehicles compact soil much more than the optimal density for crop yield. For this reason crop yields decrease both in the season in which compaction occurs and in subsequent years. That is why the soil compaction problem may be considered an ecological one.
Among the well-known traction systems used to decrease soil compaction are; decrease of air pressure in tires, dual wheels, multi-axle wheel and crawler traction systems, improvement of tire deformation properties, etc. However, the analysis performed revealed contradictory results of using the above ways under varying operating conditions. Thus, it is not clear at what soil conditions it is appropriate to apply dual wheels, multi-axle wheel traction systems, or special appliances to increase the propulsion system's contact surface and thereby decrease its compaction. Different traction systems have varying effects on compaction for arable and sub-arable soil layers. The choice of traction system will also affect aggregate propulsion losses.
The aim of this article is to implement a flexible concept propulsion system together with its design and operating elements. This will allow adaptation of a vehicle to varying operating conditions and to ensure ecological compatibility with soil. Based on the information theory, the degree of order of the system was determined with account of its deviation degree from the thermodynamic balance. It is proposed to use the degree of order of the system variable in the range from 0 to 1, as a criterion of the vehicle's adaptability to operating conditions.
Meta TagsDetails
Boikov, V., Zhdanovich, C., and Orda, A., "Agroecological Concept of Traction Systems of Mobile Agricultural Machinery," SAE Technical Paper 972734, 1997,
Additional Details
Sep 8, 1997
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Technical Paper