AELCEF - A Tool to Make Rotor Burst Containment a Reality
- Event
- Content
- The Aeronautical Engine Laboratory's Containment Evaluation Facility (AELCEF), featuring the government's largest spin chamber, high speed photographic equipment, and impact instrumentation, has been created and has recently become operational. This unique installation is described in detail. The first successful photographs ever taken of the interaction of rotor fragments and a containment ring are presented. Testing techniques and results are discussed. The ultimate goal of the AEL, NASA sponsored, integrated program of theoretical and experimental research work is to provide lightweight containment/control devices that will prevent the fragments of failed turbomachines from injuring personnel and minimize aircraft damage.
- Pages
- 11
- Citation
- Martino, A., and Mangano, G., "AELCEF - A Tool to Make Rotor Burst Containment a Reality," SAE Technical Paper 670332, 1967,