A Test Technology of a Vehicle Driveline Test Bench with Electric Drive Dynamometer for Dynamic Emulation



SAE 2015 World Congress & Exhibition
Authors Abstract
This paper discusses the development of engine and vehicle model for performing dynamic emulation experiments on vehicle transmissions. In order to reduce costs and shorten new vehicle development cycle time, vehicle simulation on the driveline test bench is an attractive alternative at the development phase to reduce the quantity of proto vehicles. This test method moves the test site from the road to the bench without the need for real chassis parts. Dynamic emulation of mechanical loads is a Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) procedure, which can be used as a supplement of the conventional simulations in testing of the operation of algorithms without the need for the prototypes. The combustion engine is replaced by an electric drive dynamometer, which replicates the torque and speed signature of an actual engine. The road load resistance of the vehicle on a real test road is accurately simulated on Load dynamometer. The total vehicle inertia was equivalently transformed into the driving wheels based on the vehicle dynamics, and the transfer function of the test bench was identified. Two controlling models, namely inverse dynamic model and speed tracking algorithm based on forward system model, were developed to conduct the simulation approach. Test results are presented to demonstrate successful emulation during the road load resistance and engine torque pulse experimentation.
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Li, W., Shi, X., Guo, D., and Yi, P., "A Test Technology of a Vehicle Driveline Test Bench with Electric Drive Dynamometer for Dynamic Emulation," SAE Technical Paper 2015-01-1303, 2015, https://doi.org/10.4271/2015-01-1303.
Additional Details
Apr 14, 2015
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Content Type
Technical Paper