A PG-Based Powertrain Model to Generate Component Loads for Fatigue Reliability Testing
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- Once a vehicle powertrain is designed and the first prototype is built, extensive on-board instrumentation and testing needs to be carried out at the proving grounds (PG) to generate load histograms for various components. The load histograms can then be used to carry out durability tests in the laboratory. When a component in the vehicle powertrain is changed, the load histograms need to be generated again at the proving grounds. This adds much time and money to the vehicle's development.The objective is to develop a virtual powertrain model that can be simulated through a powertrain endurance driving cycle in order to predict torque histograms and total damage. The predictions are then correlated against measured data acquired on a test vehicle that was driven through the same driving cycle at the proving grounds.
- Pages
- 7
- Citation
- Joseph, B., Attibele, P., Lee, Y., and Haq, S., "A PG-Based Powertrain Model to Generate Component Loads for Fatigue Reliability Testing," SAE Technical Paper 2003-01-1223, 2003, https://doi.org/10.4271/2003-01-1223.