A Novel Suspended Liner Test Apparatus for Friction and Side Force Measurement with Corresponding Modeling
- Event
- Content
- An experimental apparatus and a numerical model have been designed and developed to examine the lubrication condition and frictional losses at the piston and cylinder interface. The experimental apparatus utilizes components from a single cylinder, ten horsepower engine in a novel suspended liner arrangement. The test rig has been specifically designed to reduce the number of operating variables while utilizing actual components and geometry. A mixed lubrication model for the complete ring-pack and piston skirt was developed to correlate with experimental measurements and provide further insight into the sources of frictional losses. The results demonstrate the effects of speed and viscosity on the overall friction losses at the piston and cylinder liner interface. Comparisons between the experimental and analytical results show good agreement.
- Pages
- 15
- Citation
- Cater, M., Bolander, N., and Sadeghi, F., "A Novel Suspended Liner Test Apparatus for Friction and Side Force Measurement with Corresponding Modeling," SAE Technical Paper 2006-32-0041, 2006, https://doi.org/10.4271/2006-32-0041.