A Novel Gasoline Fuel Optimizer for Improved Combustion and Vehicle Performance



2003 JSAE/SAE International Spring Fuels and Lubricants Meeting
Authors Abstract
A novel gasoline fuel optimizer has been developed which is capable of modifying the combustion process in spark ignition engines. Fuel Optimizers are a new category of chemical compounds which are capable of altering the base combustion characteristics of the fuel itself, resulting in performance benefits far in excess of what is possible with traditional fuel additives.
The fuel optimizer described in this paper, X-ccelerator™, alters the ignition and burning characteristics of the fuel-air mixture, resulting in enhanced combustion performance. Tests in combustion bombs as well as in an operating engine have shown that this additive can reduce combustion duration (both in terms of the ignition time and bulk burning time) and increase average peak combustion pressure. As a result, the indicated mean effective pressure is shown to be increased.
One of the benefits of this enhanced combustion is improved vehicle performance and driveability characteristics. Decreased full- and part-throttle acceleration times have been demonstrated in a variety of modern vehicles. In controlled field evaluations, a majority of drivers have perceived general improvements to vehicle performance and driveability when using X-ccelerator. This fuel optimizer, which is ashless, is added to the base gasoline at a low concentration (200 parts per million), and is a highly cost-effective solution for improving vehicle and combustion performance. Extensive compatibility and no-harm testing has been conducted to ensure that no adverse interactions exist with the engine or any of its components.
Meta TagsDetails
Graskow, B., Ohta, S., and Watanabe, H., "A Novel Gasoline Fuel Optimizer for Improved Combustion and Vehicle Performance," SAE Technical Paper 2003-01-1910, 2003, https://doi.org/10.4271/2003-01-1910.
Additional Details
May 19, 2003
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Content Type
Technical Paper