A Novel Approach to Define and Validate Market Representative Routes for IUPRm Development in India



WCX SAE World Congress Experience
Authors Abstract
To promote real time monitoring, In use performance ratio monitoring “IUPRm” checks has been enforced in India from Apr’23 as a part of BS6-2 regulation. Since IUPRm is representative of diagnostic frequency in real driving conditions and usage pattern. therefore, a clear understanding of real-world driving is required to define IUPRm targets. This paper shares methodology and Validation steps for defining IUPRm routes for Indian market. Methodology objective is to standardize the market operating conditions over a particular region. Selected Methodology consist of three steps:
For defining IUPRm route framework, first step is to have a pre-market survey to know current In use performance ratio “IUPR” status and improvement areas in existing market vehicles. Second step is to define market representative localized on road routes based on the finding of Pre-market survey. Third step is to validate defined IUPR routes and correlate the output in reference to coverage of market operating conditions.
Routes definition (Step 2) starts with organizing customer survey to capture real driving inputs like average trip mileage, route traffic density, driving style etc. Based on survey inputs, prospective routes should be shortlisted as per route selection criteria and further based on drive pattern analysis, performed on ECU log data collected over prospective routes, route finalization can be done.
For Validation of defined IUPR routes (Step 3), Post market survey can be conducted in which market data of the models developed on IUPR methodology should be collected and general metrics like Average IUPR, Gen. denominator trend, demographical variations etc. can be analyzed. From post market survey, correlation of average IUPR and other metrics defined above, can be done to verify whether development over defined routes cover all major conditions of target market or not.
With this study, robust IUPR routes can be framed which will help the function development team in evaluating IUPRm in upcoming passenger cars.
Meta TagsDetails
Sharma, P., Singh, D., Kumar, A., Gautam, A. et al., "A Novel Approach to Define and Validate Market Representative Routes for IUPRm Development in India," SAE Technical Paper 2024-01-2599, 2024, https://doi.org/10.4271/2024-01-2599.
Additional Details
Apr 9, 2024
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Content Type
Technical Paper