A Method for Torsional Damper Tuning Based On Baseline Frequency Response Functions
- Event
- Content
- Based on Woodbury-Sherman-Morrison formula, a general and efficient method for torsional damper tuning is presented. This method is based on exact calculation of the resulting Frequency Response Functions (FRF's) of the system with the damper by using the original (old) FRF's of the original (baseline) system and the damper's parameters (the mass polar moment of inertia, stiffness and damping coefficient). The only requirement for this method is to have the baseline FRF's at the active points of the structure where the damper is to be attached and those point where the resulting FRF's are of interest. The baseline FRF's can be obtained by either analytical or experimental methods. Once this requirement is met, all possible scenarios of the dampers for their potential and feasibility can be efficiently evaluated before being put into service without the need for costly hardware modification and test cycles on actual structure. As such, a considerable amount of engineering time and effort can be saved.
- Pages
- 7
- Citation
- Liu, C., "A Method for Torsional Damper Tuning Based On Baseline Frequency Response Functions," SAE Technical Paper 2009-01-2152, 2009, https://doi.org/10.4271/2009-01-2152.