A Holistic Approach of DPF Calibration to Address Various Off Highway Field Implements



Symposium on International Automotive Technology
Authors Abstract
Off-highway segment (OHW) is to meet the new emission norms of CEV BS V/Trem-V legislations. For new emission norms numerous development and validation activities need to be carried out to achieve the results with in a very short development time. The conventional Mechanical Fuel Injection system is being replaced with Common Rail Injection system and with advanced Exhaust Gas after treatment system like DOC, DPF & SCR etc. The development approach of all work package at engine/vehicle level requires huge efforts in terms of calibration and validation to meet the emission standards of various end implements specific to the Indian market.
Diesel Particulate Filter has become a necessary After treatment system in OHW segments to meet new emission legislation especially for the reduction of particulate matter, wherein DPF helps in accumulation of the particulate matter. At a certain period of engine running, Particulate matter will be loaded in the DPF to its maximum extent which in turn increases the backpressure of the system. Accumulation of particulate matter needs to be monitored and detected accurately to trigger DPF regeneration at certain interval to burn off the accumulated particulate matter. Soot loading and burning is dependent on various factors like exhaust mass flow, temperature, catalyst specification and the end implements in the field.
The Load collective of OHW segment is diverse considering all the different implements, also OEM’s Strategy of common approach for all implements increases the complexity of calibration/validation of the system. This paper intends to present an approach of DPF calibration to meet the challenges of all field implements with the common calibration, focusing on thermal management, soot load correlation and further defining software strategies specific to regional requirements. This will ensure safe DPF operations in all field implements like ploughing, rotavator, cultivator, harvester, disc harrow, empty trolly etc.
Meta TagsDetails
Thavasu, R., C, M., N, R., My, R. et al., "A Holistic Approach of DPF Calibration to Address Various Off Highway Field Implements," SAE Technical Paper 2024-26-0069, 2024, https://doi.org/10.4271/2024-26-0069.
Additional Details
Jan 16, 2024
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Content Type
Technical Paper