This paper deals with a functions analysis methodology of the Space Orbital Stations' and Interplanetary Vechicles' Ecological/Technical System (ETS) intended for research into various stages of the system life cycle based on methods of simulation.
The man-made ecosystem of any spacecraft is distinguished from the natural ecosystem as follows: (a) Man is the decisive part of the system defining the main requirements to its properties, functions and developing laws; (b) the processes of controlled substance turnover are accomplished in the limited number of technical units at rates substantially exceeding those of slow natural processes. That is why the similar system shall be defined as the ecological/technical system.
The ETS conceptual model is substantiated. This model includes “Crew”, “Cabin Artificial Gas Atmosphere”, “Thermal Control System”, “Power Supply System”, “Life Supports Equipment based on resupplies”, and “Integrated Regenerative Life Support System”, based on the combined use of physicochemical and biological processes for transformation of metabolism products into the environment initial components.
The principles of decomposition for the functions analysis general problem are considered and the individual tasks as applied to various stages of an ETS development are formulated. The suggested common approach to forming the formalized descriptions of the ETS individual elements as well as the solution results of design tasks are discussed.