A Dynamometer Study of Off-Cycle Exhaust Emissions - The Auto/Oil Air Quality Improvement Research Program
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- Four vehicle fleets, consisting of 3 to 4 vehicles each, were emission tested on a 48″ roll chassis dynamometer using both the FTP urban dynamometer driving cycle and the REP05 driving cycle. The REP05 cycle was developed to test vehicles under high speed and high load conditions not included in the FTP. The vehicle fleets consisted of 1989 light-duty gasoline vehicles, 1992-93 limited production FFV/VFV methanol vehicles, 1992-93 compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles and their gasoline counterparts, and a 1992 production and two prototype ethanol FFV/VFV vehicles. All vehicles (except the dedicated CNG vehicles) were tested using Auto/Oil AQIRP fuels A and C2. Other fuels used were M85 blended from A and C2, E85 blended from C1, which is similar to C2 but without MTBE, and four CNG fuels representing the range of in-use CNG fuels. In addition to bag measurements, tailpipe exhaust concentration and A/F data were collected once per second throughout every test. HC and oxygenate speciation of the exhaust was also performed. The data base permits the comparison of emission rates of regulated emissions (including fuel economy), air toxics, specific reactivity, and reactivity weighted emissions on the FTP versus the REP05, as well as the effect of switching fuels on both cycles for each fleet. Overall, no concerns were uncovered in this study having to do with emissions increases on the REP05 relative to the FTP, or for emissions changes for the different fuel comparisons.
- Pages
- 21
- Citation
- Cadle, S., Groblicki, P., Gorse, R., Hood, J. et al., "A Dynamometer Study of Off-Cycle Exhaust Emissions - The Auto/Oil Air Quality Improvement Research Program," SAE Technical Paper 971655, 1997, https://doi.org/10.4271/971655.