AS background for his predictions for the 1972 car, in the early part of this paper, Mr. Boyd looks back one generation to paint a picture of the automotive progress that has culminated in the 1942 models. Probing back through history for examples to back his points, he brings out that virtually all the elements essential to today's automobile were thought of, or came into being one by one, during the long evolution which preceded the actual arrival of the automobile itself. Although the list of parts is essentially the same in present cars as in those of thirty years ago, he emphasizes, the parts differ in form, in composition, and in the perfection with which they do their jobs.
Mr. Boyd predicts that the 1972 car will be lighter, and will have a smaller, lighter, more efficient engine located in the rear. Aluminum and magnesium will be used liberally, he says, and rusting will be avoided on ferrous parts. A completely non-shattering, non-splintering glass, much superior to today's “safety” glass is predicted for 1972. Sensational strides in gasoline economy and in fuels themselves are also seen in the next 30 years. Glareless night driving, improved highways, better parking facilities, greater highway safety, and many other kindred advances are seen by Mr. Boyd in his crystal ball.