
Using SCADE System for the Design and Integration of Critical Systems



Authors Abstract

This presentation shows the SCADE System product line for systems modeling and generation based on the SysML standard and the Eclipse Papyrus open source technology. SCADE System has been developed in the framework of Listerel, a joint laboratory of Esterel Technologies, provider of the SCADE�, and CEA LIST, project leader of the Eclipse component, Papyrus. From an architecture point of view, the Esterel SCADE tools are built on top of the SCADE platform which includes both SCADE Suite�, a model-based development environment dedicated to critical software, and SCADE System enabling model-based system engineering. SCADE System includes Papyrus, an open source component (under EPL license), integrated in the modeling platform of Eclipse. Using this integrated modeling platform, both system and software teams share the same environment for system development. Furthermore, other model-based tools can be added to the environment, due to the use of Eclipse. SCADE System avoids duplication of efforts and inconsistencies between system structural descriptions made of SysML Block Definition Diagram (BDD) and Internal Block Diagram (IBD), and the full software behavioral description designed through SCADE Suite models. Once the system description is completed and checked, the individual software blocks in the system can be refined in the form of models in SCADE Suite or in the form of manually developed source code. Automatic and DO-178B Level A-qualified code generation can then be applied to the SCADE Suite models. Moreover, the SCADE System description can be used as the basis to develop scripts that will automatically integrate the complete application software.

Thierry LeSergent

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Mar 14, 2012
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