Tutorial: Building the Bridge Testing Measurement and Tribology



Authors Abstract

Different ingredients of the friction material have different effects on its tribological behavior, some of them conflicting and interfering among themselves (abrasives can increase performance, but also reduce lining life and cause overheating�). This tutorial will try to explain some of the features of dyno/vehicle tests that can be affected by friction materials, and what on the contrary is typically out of the scope of its characterization, and more pertinent to caliper, rotor or system functionalities. The goal is to give the audience an overview of how �chemists�, compounders, look at brake testing, and what they can learn when working on new developments. Outline: � Introduction (classes of raw materials, with their main effect & drawbacks to determine the main tribological effects: Friction level, wear, noise, thermals�) � A formulation approach to Design. Overview of design considerations based on the most relevant tests: how are formulators looking at these tests, to define the contribution from each ingredient? � Friction level � Wear � A formulation approach to testing. Main parameters, external to formulation, which can affect the overall performance (rotors, high Vs low pressure sensitivity, hardware, testing procedures�) Presenters: Carlos Agudelo, Link Engineering Co & Pietro Durando, ITT Friction Technologies

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Oct 19, 2022
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