SAE TOMORROW TODAY: Sustainable Rubber Hits the Road



Authors Abstract

When the rubber hits the road, one tire company stands out among the rest. From raw material traceability to supply chain transparency, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company is not only helping to do what's good for business, but what's good for the planet, too. Driven by an ambitious sustainability strategy, Goodyear has set goals to develop a tire made of 100% sustainable materials by 2030 and using only renewable energy in its manufacturing facilities and operations by 2040. The company is even working to develop a domestic source of natural rubber from a specific species of dandelion in collaboration with the Department of Defense, the Air Force Research Lab, BioMADE and Farmed Materials. To learn more about Goodyear's impressive sustainability journey, we sat down with Ellis Jones, Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer. He discusses the company's uniquely strong culture, the importance of working collaboratively with small farms, and the development of new sustainable tire materials. You'll even get a glimpse into the future with intelligent tires that enable fleets to identify and address problems in real time -- and learn how Goodyear is evolving its products as EVs and AVs hit the road.

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Feb 6, 2023
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