Data Driven Testing for HIL Systems



Authors Abstract

The amount of software, computation and logic embedded into the vehicle systems is increasing. Testing of complex real time embedded systems using Hardware in Loop (HIL) simulations across different vehicle platforms has been a challenge.

Data driven testing enables a qualitative approach to test these complex vehicle systems. It consists of a test framework wherein the test logic and data are independent of the HIL test environment. The data comprises variables used for both input values and output verification values. This data is maintained in a database or in the form of tables. Each row defines an independent test scenario. The entire test data is divided into three categories, High, Medium and Low. This feature gives the advantage of leveraging the same set of test data from Unit Level Testing phases to the Integration Test phase in the V-Cycle of software development.

A data driven test approach helps the reuse of tests across vehicle platforms. This improves test coverage since the test is more readable and reduces maintenance since it's easier to add or delete any inputs without affecting the test environment. Data driven testing is more scalable and modular since every test scenario is independent of each other.

Above approach towards testing has a significant impact on the life cycle of product development. It allows developers to validate new hardware and software automotive solutions, respecting quality requirements and time-to-market restrictions.

Vijay Kumar Kalia, John Deere India Pvt, Ltd.
Yogesh Pawar, John Deere India Pvt , Ltd.

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Dec 5, 2011
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