Motorcycle Stability Control - The Next Generation of Motorcycle Safety and Riding Dynamics

JSAE/SAE 2015 Small Engine Technologies Conference & Exhibition
Authors Abstract
Anti-lock Braking Systems (ABS) for motorcycles have already contributed significantly to the safety of powered two-wheelers (PTW) on public roads by improving bike stability and controllability in emergency braking situations.
In order to address further riding situations, another step forward has been achieved with Motorcycle Stability Control (MSC) system. By combining ABS, electronically combined braking system (eCBS), traction control and inertial sensors even in situations like braking and accelerating in corners the riders' safety can be improved. The MSC system controls the distribution of braking and traction forces using an algorithm that takes into account all available vehicle information from wheels, power train and vehicle attitude. With its ability to control fundamental vehicle dynamics, the MSC system will be a basis for further development and integration of comprehensive safety systems.
The contribution of ABS towards motorcycle safety has been confirmed by numerous international research studies, making it the safety technology with the highest possible benefit for motorcycles available today. Recent investigations by Bosch accident researchers show the contribution of the MSC system to further increase the safety benefit for motorcycle riders by extending the acceleration and braking control functions to cover more riding situations. The MSC systems could avoid more than every 3rd accident with casualties involving a motorcycle in Germany.
This paper focuses on these new motorcycle technologies developed with centralized system architecture and their safety benefits in preventing and mitigating motorcycle accidents with injuries and fatalities.
Meta TagsDetails
Lich, T., Block, W., Prashanth, S., and Heiler, B., "Motorcycle Stability Control - The Next Generation of Motorcycle Safety and Riding Dynamics," SAE Int. J. Engines 9(1):491-498, 2016,
Additional Details
Nov 17, 2015
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Content Type
Journal Article