Measurement of Equivalence Ratio in a Light-Duty Low Temperature Combustion Diesel Engine by Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence of a Fuel Tracer

10th International Conference on Engines & Vehicles
Authors Abstract
The spatial distribution of the mixture equivalence ratio within the squish volume is quantified under non-combusting conditions by planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) of a fuel tracer (toluene). The measurements were made in a single-cylinder, direct-injection, light-duty diesel engine at conditions matched to an early-injection low temperature combustion mode. A fuel amount corresponding to a low load (3.0 bar indicated mean effective pressure) operating condition was introduced with a single injection. Data were acquired during the mixture preparation period from near the start of injection (-22.5° aTDC) until the crank angle where the start of high-temperature heat release normally occurs (-5° aTDC). Despite the opposing squish flow, the fuel jets penetrate through the squish region to the cylinder bore. Although rapid mixing is observed in the head of each jet, rich regions remain at the head at the start of high-temperature heat release. In contrast, the fuel mixture is generally lean in the clearance volume above the bowl, though near-stoichiometric pockets are observed near the bowl rim. Significant pockets of mixture in the central clearance volume, and between the jets in the squish volume, are sufficiently lean that complete oxidation is unlikely.
Meta TagsDetails
Sahoo, D., Petersen, B., and Miles, P., "Measurement of Equivalence Ratio in a Light-Duty Low Temperature Combustion Diesel Engine by Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence of a Fuel Tracer," SAE Int. J. Engines 4(2):2312-2325, 2011,
Additional Details
Sep 11, 2011
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Content Type
Journal Article