Vehicle NVH Analysis Using EFEA & EBEA Methods

SAE World Congress & Exhibition
Authors Abstract
The Energy Finite Element Analysis (EFEA) has been developed for computing the structural vibration and the interior noise level of complex structural-acoustic systems by solving governing differential equations with energy densities as primary variables. Results from EFEA simulations have been compared successfully with test results for Naval, automotive, and aircraft structures. The Energy Boundary Element Analysis (EBEA) has been developed for exterior acoustic computations using the acoustic energy density as primary variable in the formulation. EBEA results have been compared successfully to the test results in the past for predicting the exterior acoustic field around a vehicle structure due to external noise sources. In this paper, the EBEA and EFEA methods are combined for predicting the interior noise levels in a vehicle due to exterior acoustic sources. The EBEA is employed for computing the acoustic field around a vehicle structure due to exterior acoustic noise sources (i.e. tire source, engine source, etc.). The computed exterior acoustic field comprises the excitation for the EFEA analysis. The vehicle structure, the acoustic treatment, and the interior acoustic volumes are represented in the EFEA model. The interior noise level in the vehicle is computed by the EFEA. Predictions of interior noise level (expressed in a noise reduction format) are compared favorably with test results for two separate types of excitation.
Meta TagsDetails
Wang, A., and Vlahopoulos, N., "Vehicle NVH Analysis Using EFEA & EBEA Methods," SAE Int. J. Passeng. Cars - Mech. Syst. 2(1):814-821, 2009,
Additional Details
Apr 20, 2009
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Content Type
Journal Article