Validation Study of a Generalized Minor Rear Vehicle Crash MADYMO Model Utilizing Real World Data
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- A generalized MADYMO minor rear crash vehicle model with BioRIDII ATD was developed and validated using the mean response of previously published 12 km/h delta-V rear crash tests. BioRIDII simulation pelvis, thorax and head x-axis accelerations, as well as head y-axis angular acceleration, fell within corridors defining +/- one standard deviation of the mean BioRIDII crash test responses. Peak sagittal plane BioRIDII upper neck forces and moments in the simulation were on par with the mean values observed from the crash tests. After the model was validated for 12 km/h delta-V, the model was further exercised by performing simulations with (1) a Hybrid III 50th percentile occupant and (2) by reducing the pulse by 40% of its original value. Results indicate that this generalized minor rear crash model could be useful in accurately estimating occupant kinematics and kinetics in minor crashes up to at least 12 km/h delta-V as an alternative to expensive and time consuming crash testing.
- Pages
- 7
- Citation
- Bartsch, A., Gilbertson, L., Prakash, V., Wiechel, J. et al., "Validation Study of a Generalized Minor Rear Vehicle Crash MADYMO Model Utilizing Real World Data," SAE Int. J. Passeng. Cars – Mech. Syst. 3(1):1-7, 2010,