Using Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services Corrections in a Consumer-Grade Lane-Level Positioning System for Connected Vehicles

Authors Abstract
Connected vehicle (CV) technology has the potential to greatly improve the safety, mobility, and environmental sustainability of traffic. Many CV applications require the vehicle position as input, which is primarily provided by global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). Although a large number of those applications (e.g., Intersection Movement Assist) require vehicle positioning to have lane-level accuracy, it has been shown that the type of positioning system typically used by CVs currently cannot provide consistent lane-level accuracy, even under open-sky conditions. In order to address this gap, we have evaluated an enhanced positioning system that adds little, if any, to the cost of the CV. It consists of a single-frequency real-time kinematic (RTK)-capable GNSS receiver onboard the vehicle, which utilizes Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services (RTCM) differential corrections transmitted over dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) by the roadside infrastructure. Tests on a moving vehicle show that this system could provide lane-level accuracy over 95% of the time in open-sky conditions. These tests also show the DSRC to be an effective means of disseminating RTCM corrections, given the intersection spacings and communication ranges in the test. However, neither RTCM nor the more commonly used space-based augmentation system (SBAS) differential corrections appeared to improve the positioning accuracy of GNSS in urban canyons.
Meta TagsDetails
Williams, N., Vu, A., Wu, G., Barth, M. et al., "Using Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services Corrections in a Consumer-Grade Lane-Level Positioning System for Connected Vehicles," SAE Int. J. CAV 6(4):435-445, 2023,
Additional Details
May 8, 2023
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Content Type
Journal Article