Magazine Article

Software for Analyzing Sequences of Flow-Related Images




Spotlight is a computer program for analysis of sequences of images generated in combustion and fluid physics experiments. Spotlight can perform analysis of a single image in an interactive mode or a sequence of images in an automated fashion. The primary type of analysis is tracking of positions of objects over sequences of frames. Features and objects that are typically tracked include flame fronts, particles, droplets, and fluid interfaces. Spotlight automates the analysis of object parameters, such as centroid position, velocity, acceleration, size, shape, intensity, and color. Images can be processed to enhance them before statistical and measurement operations are performed. An unlimited number of objects can be analyzed simultaneously. Spotlight saves results of analyses in a text file that can be exported to other programs for graphing or further analysis. Spotlight is a graphical-user-interface-based program that at present can be executed on Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. A version that runs on Macintosh computers is being considered.

Meta TagsDetails
"Software for Analyzing Sequences of Flow-Related Images," Mobility Engineering, May 1, 2004.
Additional Details
May 1, 2004
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Magazine Article