Magazine Article

Oxidation Behavior of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Composites




OXIMAP is a numerical (FEA-based) solution tool capable of calculating the carbon fiber and fiber coating oxidation patterns within any arbitrarily shaped carbon silicon carbide composite structure as a function of time, temperature, and the environmental oxygen partial pressure. The mathematical formulation is derived from the mechanics of the flow of ideal gases through a chemically reacting, porous solid. The result of the formulation is a set of two coupled, non-linear differential equations written in terms of the oxidant and oxide partial pressures. The differential equations are solved simultaneously to obtain the partial vapor pressures of the oxidant and oxides as a function of the spatial location and time. The local rate of carbon oxidation is determined at each time step using the map of the local oxidant partial vapor pressure along with the Arrhenius rate equation. The non-linear differential equations are cast into matrix equations by applying the Bubnov- Galerkin weighted residual finite-element method, allowing for the solution of the differential equations numerically.

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"Oxidation Behavior of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Composites," Mobility Engineering, February 1, 2008.
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Feb 1, 2008
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Magazine Article