Numerical Simulations and Measurements of Mirror-Induced Wind Noise
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- Content
- The high cost and competitive nature of automotive product development necessitates the search for less expensive and faster methods of predicting vehicle performance. Continual improvements in High Performance Computing (HPC) and new computational schemes allow for the digital evaluation of vehicle comfort parameters including wind noise. Recently, the commercially available Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code PowerFlow, was evaluated for its accuracy in predicting wind noise generated by an external automotive tow mirror. This was accomplished by running simulations of several mirror configurations, choosing the quietest mirror based on the predicted performance, prototyping it, and finally, confirming the prediction with noise measurements taken in an aeroacoustic wind tunnel. Two testing methods, beam-forming and direct noise measurements, were employed to correlate the physical data with itself before correlating with simulation. Results of the correlations build confidence in both simulation and experiment, and confirm the use of exterior noise measurements as a substitute characteristic for interior noise.
- Pages
- 13
- Citation
- Lepley, D., Senthooran, S., Hendriana, D., and Frazer, T., "Numerical Simulations and Measurements of Mirror-Induced Wind Noise," SAE Int. J. Passeng. Cars - Mech. Syst. 2(1):1550-1562, 2009,