Magazine Article

Mission Operations and Navigation Toolkit Environment




MONTE (Mission Operations and Navigation Toolkit Environment) Release 7.3 is an extensible software system designed to support trajectory and navigation analysis/design for space missions. MONTE is intended to replace the current navigation and trajectory analysis software systems, which, at the time of this reporting, are used by JPL’s Navigation and Mission Design section. The software provides an integrated, simplified, and flexible system that can be easily maintained to serve the needs of future missions in need of navigation services. MONTE has an integrated case management system that allows users to create taxonomies to describe and categorize runs. It has the ability to plot and display multiple cases and scenarios simultaneously, using color to differentiate, allowing for side-by-side analysis. Users can define their own plots with minimal effort, and can gain access to all of the features of the case management system. Users can also define their own models (including gravitational and non-gravitational force models), types of measurement, and optimizers, using software hooks that are made available in the scripting layer of the tool. This enables users to extend the functionality of MONTE without restriction.

Meta TagsDetails
"Mission Operations and Navigation Toolkit Environment," Mobility Engineering, September 1, 2009.
Additional Details
Sep 1, 2009
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Content Type
Magazine Article