Authors Abstract
In this work, the multicarrier strategies for the three-phase five-level inverter are used on the rotor Field-Oriented Control (FOC) of the Induction Motor (IM). The H-bridge inverter gain uses the triangular carrier technique to produce two Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) command strategies. These two PWM-based strategies, the Phase Disposition Carrier-PWM (PDC-PWM) strategies and the Phase Shifted Carrier-PWM (PSC-PWM) strategies, are compared to find the appropriate command for the designed Electric Vehicle (EV) system. The system is improved by the Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) to refine its surveillance and to detect any possible deflection in the system. The Automatic Hub (AH) is connected to the front axle of the EV. In case of any divergence, the FLC is programmed to detect the divergence according to the temperature of the semiconductors, the current, the speed, and the trajectory and then it changes the state of the AH to make the needed correction. An experimental assay is done in the Laboratory of Electronic Systems and Sustainable Energy (ESSE) to show the effect of the climatic and geographic conditions of Tunisia on the designed system. Furthermore, the three-phase multilevel inverter is coupled to the FOC-IM and then tested on the EV using the experimental assay and Matlab/Simulink. However, the realization of the designed system is not possible because it is expensive. Consequently, we now have an experimental assay of the FLC module and the simulation results that are used to verify the better command strategy between PSC-PWM and the PDC-PWM to improve the EV powertrain reliability.
Meta TagsDetails
Rtibi, W., M’barki, L., and Ayadi, M., "Method Approach Analysis of Electric Vehicle," SAE Int. J. Passeng. Cars – Electron. Electr. Syst. 12(2):129-141, 2019, https://doi.org/10.4271/07-12-02-0010.
Additional Details
Apr 24, 2020
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Journal Article