An Investigation in the Control Effectiveness of the Driving Wheel Slip Prevention System of a Diesel Engine Dump Truck

Authors Abstract
This article proposes the structure and algorithm to design a PID controller for the driving wheel slip prevention system (DWSPs) of a dump truck using a diesel engine, which is equipped just only with a traditional high-pressure pump (HPP) under low-adhesion coefficient conditions. First, a longitudinal dynamic model, and a dynamic model of the wheel and powertrain of a dump truck are, respectively, established, and an experiment in the torque determination of a diesel engine is set up to investigate longitudinal vehicle dynamics as well. Then, a control system structure of the DWSPs for a dump truck using a diesel engine with a high-pressure inline fuel pump is proposed. Finally, based on performance analysis of other types of controllers, a PID controller is selected to control actual load level of a diesel engine. The criteria representing the vehicle’s acceleration such as the vehicle speed, vehicle acceleration, total slip time, and time to reach vehicle speed are selected to examine the effectiveness of the proposed controller when vehicles are being operated under the road surface conditions with low values of adhesion coefficient. The obtained results show that the proposed controller has greatly limited the driving wheel slipping phenomenon and increased the acceleration of the original dump truck. In addition, these findings can be used as a theoretical basis for the improvement of the wheel slip controllers in trucks using diesel engines.
Meta TagsDetails
Van Thoan, T., Vu, L., Van Nguyen, K., Hai, H. et al., "An Investigation in the Control Effectiveness of the Driving Wheel Slip Prevention System of a Diesel Engine Dump Truck," SAE Int. J. Veh. Dyn., Stab., and NVH 8(3):311-327, 2024,
Additional Details
May 27, 2024
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Journal Article